How Watching Jerry Maguire Can Help You Raise Money

Five minutes before my first-ever pitch to an investor, I practiced Jerry Maguire in the mirror. By Nayia Moysidis (Founder, Writer’s Bloq) “Show me the money,” I told myself six or seven times, and then just once, just as a final pump-up tactic, one epic shout:...
Setting Sail Without A Map

Setting Sail Without A Map

You have your gut. There is no map. By Nayia Moysidis (Founder, Writer’s Bloq) One of the most daunting things about being a CEO of a startup is that no one else has done it before you. Sure, people have been CEO, but no one has been the CEO of this startup....
You Need Romance In Your Startup

You Need Romance In Your Startup

The most legendary founders saw something others couldn’t. By Nayia Moysidis (Founder, Writer’s Bloq) Ever since I started a company, I’ve been living in a cocoon. My cocoon. It’s a safety layer that allows me to fully focus on my company, keeps me...

A Founder's Tale: The Kickstarter Kraze

Writer’s Bloq just launched a Kickstarter campaign introducing themselves to the world. (Golden quills if you support!) Here’s a piece on what the experience has been like far for the Founder. By Nayia Moysidis (Founder, Writer’s Bloq) Every time you...
A Founder’s Tale: The Kickstarter Kraze

A Founder’s Tale: The Kickstarter Kraze

Writer’s Bloq just launched a Kickstarter campaign introducing themselves to the world. (Golden quills if you support!) Here’s a piece on what the experience has been like far for the Founder. By Nayia Moysidis (Founder, Writer’s Bloq) Every time you...